Swahili Words to Learn

Basic Swahili Words To Learn When Travelling To Tanzania

Tanzania Travel basic Swahili words are useful phrases commonly used and helpful for any traveler who is about to visit Tanzania or East Africa.

If you are traveling to Tanzania or East Africa, soon then you may find it helpful to know how to say hello and goodbye as well as make a few exchanges with the locals in their language. By learning some basic Swahili words and phrases, you will make a local’s day by communicating with them in a word or two that they know. While it can be a little intimidating having someone talk to you in a language that you don’t know very well, people always appreciate even the littlest effort it takes to learn some basic Swahili words and Phrases.

Learn some basic Swahili words communication.

To make it extra easy for you, we have compiled a list of the most common and useful phrases you might hear and need to use while on your trip. English to Swahili Translation


  • Jambo? / hujambo? – (how are you?) – Sijambo (I am fine)
  • Habari? – (how are you?) – nzuri (fine)
  • Shikamoo – (a young person greeting an elder) – Marahaba
  • Kwaheri – Goodbye
  • Tutaonana baadaye – See you later – (often shortened to baadaye)
  • Jambo? / hujambo? – (how are you?) – Sijambo (I am fine)

For more casual interactions among peers while walking on the streets, you might also hear some of these Swahili greetings:

  • Mambo– What’s up?
  • Vipi – – How?
  • Sema – –Speak?

The replies to these greetings can be:

  • Safi – – Clean; fine; cool
  • Poa – – Cool
  • Freshi – Fresh (Swahili slang for the English word fresh).

Saying “thank you” and other courtesies in English to Swahili Translation

  • Thank you – Asante
  • Thank you – Asanteni (to more than one person)
  • No thank you – Hapana asante
  • Thank you very much– Asante sana
  • Please – Tafadhali
  • Sorry – Pole
  • Very Sorry – Pole sana
  • No worries – Hakuna matata
  • No problem – Hamna shida –
  • Welcome – Karibu
  • Welcome – Karibuni (to more than one person )
  • Excuse me – Samahani
  • What is your name? – Jina lako nani?
  • My name is XX – Jina langu ni XX
  • Nice to meet you – Ninafuraha kukutana nawe

Agreements and disagreements in English to Swahili Translation

  • Ok – Sawa
  • Yes – Ndiyo
  • No – Hapana
  • I understand – Naelewa
  • I don’t understand – Sielewi
  • I like it – Ninaipenda
  • I don’t like it – Siipendi
  • Do you like it? – Je unaipenda?


  • Me – Mimi
  • You – Wewe
  • Him/Her –Yeye
  • Mine – Yangu
  • Yours – Yako
  • His/hers – – Yake
  • Ours – Yetu

Questions in English to Swahili Translation

  • What? – Nini?
  • Where? – Wapi?
  • Which? –Ipi? (or Gani?)
  • Who? –Nani?

Happy Holidays in English to Swahili Translation

  • Happy birthday – Furaha ya siku ya kuzaliwa.
  • Merry Christmas – Krismasi njema.
  • Happy new year – Heri ya mwaka mpya.

Descriptions in English to Swahili Translation

  • Big – Kubwa
  • Small –Kidogo
  • Short –Fupi
  • Long –Ndefu
  • Color –Rangi
  • Black –Nyeusi
  • Blue –Buluu
  • White –Nyeupe
  • Green –Kijani

Days and months

  • Sunday – Jumapili
  • Monday – Jumatatu
  • Tuesday – Jumanne
  • Wednesday – Jumatana
  • Thursday – Alhamisi
  • Friday – Ijumaa
  • Saturday – Jumamosi
  • January –Januari
  • February – Februari
  • March – Marchi
  • April – Aprili
  • May – Mei
  • June – Juni
  • July – Julai
  • August – – Agosti
  • September- Septemba
  • October – Oktoba
  • November –Novemba
  • December – Desemba

Shopping in English to Swahili Translation

  • Store/shop – Duka
  • Price – Bei
  • Money – Pesa
  • Cash – Pesa taslimu
  • How much? – Pesa ngapi?
  • It is cheap – Ni bei rahisi
  • It is expensive – Ni bei ghali
  • Do you give discounts? – Je, Unapunguza bei?
  • Please reduce the price – Tafadhali punguza bei
  • How do I pay? – Ninalipaje?
  • I have a credit/debit card – Nina kadi – Aprili
  • May – Mei
  • June – Juni
  • July – Julai
  • August – – Agosti
  • September- Septemba
  • October – Oktoba
  • November –Novemba
  • December – Desemba

Eating out in English to Swahili Translation

  • Eat – Kula
  • Food –Chakula
  • Menu – Menyu
  • Bill – Bili
  • Hot – Moto
  • Cold –Baridi
  • Drinks – Vinywaji
  • Cold drink – Kinywaji baridi
  • Fruit juice – Maji ya matunda
  • Beer – Bia?
  • Cold beer – i Bia barid
  • Tea – Chai
  • Coffee – Kahawa
  • Soup – Supu
  • Chicken – Kuku
  • Meat – Nyama
  • Fish – Samaki
  • Rice –Wali
  • Vegetables – Mboga
  • Drinking water – Maji ya kunywa
  • Fish – Samaki
  • Rice –Wali
  • I am vegetarian – Sili nyama
  • It is delicious – Ni tamu sana